Botox is a protein, derived naturally, that helps to relax muscles that create wrinkles on the face. It is injected into the muscle by a trained healthcare provider.
How long does it last?
The effect of Botox lasts approximately 3 months.
What are the side effects?
Side effects are usually mild including redness at the injection site (briefly), swelling at the injection site (briefly), bleeding or bruising, infection (rare), facial droop (rare), and others listed on the consent form.
Is there any downtime?
Essentially no. The injections take less than 10 minutes. The effect takes approximately 2-5 days to start working and final complete in 10-14 days. Your doctor may ask you to come back in 2 weeks to examine the effects and make sure no touch up is necessary.
By the area: $11/ unit as of 1/1/2016 (examples- forehead 10 units/ $110; between eyebrows 20-30 units/ $220-330).